Oxford Bach Choir website
Responsive WordPress website for 125 year old Oxford choir

Oxford Bach Choir was founded in 1896, and is considered to be one of the best large amateur choirs in the UK today.
Having worked with the Choir for some time, maintaining and handling their website in its previous incarnation, they invited me to redesign and relaunch the site with a fresh, clear and easy-to-navigate design.
Alongside the creation of a custom responsive WordPress theme to carry the new design, to fulfil the visual aims and requirements of the Choir, several other pieces of functionality were implemented. To help Choir administrators manage the website content on an ongoing basis, custom post types were implemented for concerts, news & reviews, and people, with dynamically-generated listing pages pulling relevant content automatically. This dramatically reduces overheads required in maintaining content, and sets up the future ability to refine and update designs wholesale without the need for substantial content changes.
A two-level menu structure was introduced, replacing a complex series of drop-downs in the previous design. This makes the website content immediately clear, with further depth introduced as necessary. In combination with a 'sticky' header area, website visitors can now find their way around much more easily than before.
The new design launched in October 2020. The Choir said "we’re delighted with it… it’s a joy to work on!"
Client: Oxford Bach Choir