Blavatnik School of Government Annual Report 2018–19
Art direction and design for University of Oxford department

As part of an ongoing relationship that has lasted many years, Blavatnik School of Government – a University of Oxford department founded in 2010 – asked me to advise on, art direct, and design their 2018–19 Annual Report.
The Report, released in mid-2019, combines an overview of the School's performance and activities with a rich variety of additional content. Students and alumni are heavily featured, with the Report being divided into three main sections – 'Teach', 'Research', 'Engage'.
Through a richly consultative and iterative design process, I worked with the Communications team at the School to develop and create the 72-page Report. This included inviting and working with opinions from all levels of the School. Working within the Blavatnik School of Government's established brand guidelines, and with access to a library of high-quality imagery held by the School, the Report's design meets its defined aims of being modern, clear, stylish, engaging and interesting. Using subtle design elements and a strongly-defined hierarchical design approach, the reader is led through the Report in a way that exposes them to a lot of content, without ever feeling overwhelming or confusing.
Client: Blavatnik School of Government